Life in the Highlands

Hello and thank you for looking at my Blog...i hope you enjoy my site. I'm pretty new to this but hope to keep it all updated with the progress of my garden. I've really enjoyed being able to start everything from scratch and the hard work has been worthwhile. I hope you enjoy seeing my progress too! Feel free to leave comments it's always nice to get feedback.

Friday, September 01, 2006

September 2006

Been a bit behind in the garden just lately as been busy in other directions. There has been a noticeable change in the day lengths too.
We had a fun day last Saturday at the Great Ness Raft Race on the River Ness in Inverness. Nessie never put in an appearance but there were plenty of strange looking creatures on the rafts. Our team 'The Hoola Honiez' came third overall which wasn't bad considering the team were stuck on a couple of shingle banks along the way. Of course i say Honey's but it was actually 3 honey's and one dame! At least they didn't fall off or sink!

The onions are still drying on the surface but a good size. Another few days and they will be ready to lift. The shallots were a good crop too.

Still picking the runners in earnest. I've eaten some, frozen a lot and still more to be picked. I'm starting to give them off now as it's a case of how many can one family eat in a year! I'm sure i'll be glad of them come the winter.

The carrots and beetroot are now being picked. The beetroot is the first sowing i made. I adore this vegetable and just boil, peel and slice it. Delicious.

The carrots are the round type as my ground is stony so these fare better. The longer ones tend to be distorted due to the stones. Last year was the first year i had grown these and i was suprised just how big they can grow. They are delicious just a bit more fiddly to prepare.


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