Life in the Highlands

Hello and thank you for looking at my Blog...i hope you enjoy my site. I'm pretty new to this but hope to keep it all updated with the progress of my garden. I've really enjoyed being able to start everything from scratch and the hard work has been worthwhile. I hope you enjoy seeing my progress too! Feel free to leave comments it's always nice to get feedback.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Picking and Storing Fruit

At this time of the year those with fruit trees are busy harvesting apples and pears. Knowing when the fruit is ripe is sometimes difficult but not impossible. One of the advantages of growing your own fruit is that you can pick it at the peak of ripeness and store it.

Apples are ready for picking when they can be plucked from the tree by simply placing a cupped hand under the fruit, lifting and gently twisting. If the apple does not come away easily in the hand then it is not ready to harvest.

When picking, place your apples in a basket lined with some sacking or newspaper. This will prevent bruising on the way to the garden shed.

It's amazing how many people struggle with knowing whether it's the right time to pick and it is surprisingly straight forward and easy to do as this video link with Monty Don shows.

How to pick and store apples and pears

Storing apples for the winter is simple. Apples need a cool, frost-free environment, where they can last for weeks, even months in winter. A garage or garden shed is perfect.

Happy picking!

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